Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wonder Woman of Public Relations: Ilene PRoctor
by Peter Mathews

24, July 2014

I initially had reservations about using a publicist to promote my book, “Dollar Democracy: With Liberty and Justice for Some; How to Reclaim the American Dream for All “. This book was too important, and too timely to leave to chance. That’s why I decided to hire a professional. I was introduced to Ilene Proctor, a progressive publicist with a stellar reputation that preceded her. Raising a family, teaching college full time, and trying to promote a book at the same time would have been an overwhelming task. However, the cost of hiring a publicist seemed a stretch for my budget. On the plus side, a professional publicist could successfully infuse vibrant and focused energy to the crucial cause of introducing the ideas in my book to the larger world. Ilene Proctor is a genius at marketing techniques unknown to other professionals. In addition, she has valuable contacts in politics, entertainment, and news media; contacts that she uses to catapult her clients to enormous new heights.

In two weeks of working with me, Ilene has already secured over thirty radio, television, and magazine interviews, in addition to a dozen more that are well on their way to becoming a reality.
I highly recommend Ilene Proctor, a public relations Wonder Women who produces results.

With highest regards,
Peter Mathews

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Book Review: DOLLAR DEMOCRACY | American News Service (p1)

By Michael Douglas Carlin | American News Service | Book Review
November 21, 2014

any questions torment America in the dark night of its soul, but it seems Corporate CEO pay emerges as one of this year's hottest trending issues. At the midway point to the next election, this and other hotly contested issues are shackled and tackled in Professor Peter Mathews' must-read new book Dollar Democracy: with Liberty and Justice for Some; How to Reclaim the American Dream for All.

    Professor Mathews speaks in a voice that resounds with clarity and conviction as he examines the direct and intentional outcome of separate policies that were advocated, starting with the Reagan administration, to intentionally deceive and destroy the middle class. In a full frontal attack by the corporate manipulators, Mathews details how the middle class has  become  superflouous  to 

   Read this book about Corporations and pander-ing political offspring. Act Accordingly. Our country is in the midst of an uncivil war between the alarmingly powerful, determined to de-stroy the middle class and the intentionally left behind.
   Professor Peter Mathews' book serves as a counter-point to those who luxuriate the reality of America's rapidly    changing    social 
The conclusions of his detective work fit together like sword and scabbard. He gives his reader so much juicy information, a varitable tsunami of corporate skullduggery. He doesn't mince words and he doesn't hold back when identifying the cauldrons of chaos they have created.
the very rich and why various policies were deliberately created to eliminate them. Their defin-ing characteristic is dirty, scorched-earth partisanship carried out regardless of cost. Conservatives are anxious again to finish first - with the big prize-monopoly control of the American government, and the power to turn their ideology into the law of the land. Quite a bargain at any price. People
landscape. We are dangerously close to cementing a permanent American catastrophe. Mathews boldly and unapologetically asks questions and gives solutions that the media/propaganda machine purposefuly ignore. He closes the tome with a checklist of high crimes and misdemeanors and an urgent call to conscience and about what needs to be done next.
     Determining our actions today can move us towards either a stornger, more positive future, or a future shrouded in fear, poverty, war. This book is written as a primer for people of all ages  and  classes  who  want 
want answers, but our compromised leaders can't provide them because bold actions carry too much political risk. Meanwhile the corporations are booming and running roughshod over us. They are operating in their own time and space continuum that is increasingly supranational - disconnected from local concerns and their home markets.
  Mathews reveals that there are fat corporate balance sheets ready to create jobs and prosperity - just not in America. While corporations feign heartfelt pledges of allegiance to the U.S., they still must depend  on  the government to protect intel-

Book Review: DOLLAR DEMOCRACY | American News Service (p2)

lectual property and keep waterways safe so they can deliver their made-in-China supplies to us. This formidable book brings to light of day important new information regarding how the Corporate manipulators are destroying our country.

     Dollar Democracy is a riveting read: the text, defiantly disturbing. Mathews' writing style passionately grounded in integrity and reality. The conclusions of his detective work fit together like sword and scabbard. He gives  his reader  so much juicy informa-

feudal  society.  Unless  our policies change dramatically, the middle class will dis-appear and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the revolution.
     Crony politicians have made decisions that led to outsourcing good middle class jobs, dismantling our public education system, kindergarten through college and university; deteriorating health care that leaves Americans in danger, sick and broke; the destroying of our environment and lives; the polluting of our food through deregulation  of  big agribusiness, pesticide 
tion, a veritable tsunami of corporate skullduggery. He doesn't mince words and he doesn't hold back when identifying the cauldrons of chaos they have created. He exposes these and others among the secret corporate power elite as the cooly vicious orchestrators of wars and grand-scale theft. Mathews also details the mind-boggling sums of money   their   CEOs  reap 
(Mathews) exposes these and others among the secret corporate power elite as the cooly vicious orchestrators of wars and grand-scale theft. Mathews also details the mind-boggling sums of money thier CEOs reap from the proceeds of their crony capitalism.
use and proliferation of Genetically Modified (GMO) foods; the crash of Wall Street and the Great Recession from which the bottom 99% of Americans have not yet recovered; while the super wealthy are doing better than ever.
  Mind-blowing from the beginning, Mathews' book takes an even more astounding contemporary turn when he declairs their  
from their crony capitalism. And what's interesting is that the fortunes of corporations are totally delinked from the fortunes of the rest of the world. The 2008 financial crisis devestated hundreds of millions of people, but the following year Wall Street revenue hit (US)$60 billion, a historic high, thanks in part to the massive injection of public money they received. Average wages in developed countries have dropped since the crisis, but the median pay for CEOs in the US now exceeds $10 million. A CEO now makes about 357 times more than the average worker's salary in the U.S., up from 181 times in 2009 and 40 times in 1980. The divide between the have-nots and have-yachts is getting worse really, really fast. In 1980, the top 1 percent controlled about 8 percent of U.S. national income. The bottom 50 percent shared about 18 percent. Today, the top 1 percent capture about 20 percent; the bottom 50 percent, just 12 percent. But the problem isn't that we have inequality. Some inequality is intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that the inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and  more   a   
efforts over the past thirty years have succeeded. The middle class democracy that made America great is in seemingly irreversible decline. Mathews clearly shows how the Corporations and their crony politicians have hoodwinked America by separating speech and thought.
     But wait Mathews is a political pugilist, ready to lob a whole arsenal of answers on how we can reverse these trends and return middle-class democracy. He pro-poses comprehensive, bold, visionary solutions to restore America's formidable democracy and make this country great again.
     Can the truth change the course of history? If the truth can heal, then this book is a prescription for accountability. It is a must-read for anyone who believes that following our constitution must be mandatory for the pursuit of good government and that our once vibrant and powerful democracy is not for sale to the highest bidder and the too-clever-for word machinations of the Corporate Pollution Politics.
     Dollar Democracy is really a blueprint for Americans that have had enough. And that means 99% of us.

  Available on and Barnes and Noble,
  Kindle or at 
  Available in Paperback and on Kindle