Declaration of Independence, written mostly by Thomas Jefferson, claims for us
the"... Rights (to)... Life,
Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness--That to secure these Rights, Governments
are instituted among Men...." Not
only was American Government established to guarantee us the Rights to Life and
Liberty, but also the Right to our Pursuit of Happiness.
For great
philosophers of democracy such as Aristotle and Jefferson,
"Happiness" meant fulfillment of our "telos" or purpose in
life: the ability to develop our talents fully, reaching our full human
potential. If we have the abilities to become doctors, engineers, computer
scientists, teachers, nurses, sculptors, or aircraft mechanics, governments
have the responsibility of guaranteeing
us the Right and Opportunity to do so. Jefferson, in addition to others such as
Horace Mann, John Dewey, Susan B. Anthony, and Harriett Tubman, was a strong
proponent of American Public Education, including civic education which enables
people to become active, critical thinking citizens.
Pat Brown and University of California President Clark Kerr established the
California Master Plan for Higher Education in 1960 to guarantee tuition
free/affordable Higher Education to all California high school graduates. The
spirit of the Master Plan flourished from 1960 to the early 1980's. Former
Governors Pete Wilson and Arnold Schwarzenegger attended UC Berkeley Law School
and Santa Monica College, respectively, tuition free and only paid a small
fee-- at UC and Cal State the fee was less than $100 per semester, and at SMC
the fee was $6 per semester. When I taught at City College of San Francisco in
the 1970's, my students paid $6 fee per semester for a full load of classes!
Master Plan provided a high quality tuition free education, enabling each
student to Pursue her/his Happiness and full human potential. There were no
financial restrictions keeping our students from becoming leaders in various
scientific, technical, trade, arts, and professional fields. Therefore,
California experienced an economic and technological boom in areas such as
Aerospace, High Tech, Alternative Energy and Transportation, and Entertainment.
reversed direction on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, when Long Beach City College
became the first California Community College, by its Board of Trustees 4-0
vote, to implement AB 955 and its $225 per unit tuition fee for its Winter
session students. Despite limited financial aid for lower income students, many
moderate and middle income students will be left behind.
To ensure
equal opportunity, the California
Legislature and Governor must close some of the corporate tax loopholes that
are unproductive and use those billions of dollars to fully fund California
Public Education, Kindergarten through technical and trade school,
apprenticeship programs, and college, university, and professional schools.
These corporate tax loopholes include the offshore tax loophole, the stock
option tax loophole, and others that cost California billions of dollars
annually. Then we can invest this money in education, training, new technology,
and small business and job growth, making the California and American Dream a
reality!. ♦